Our Wines

Noblesse Cabernet Franc bio/vegan 2015
The colour starts as a deep ruby then leans into black. The wine has the aroma of forest fruits, coffee and cedar. Clean and sharp on the palate, represents quality unequivocally. Intensity is present and it augments until potential. Enjoyable aromas are lasting, you can feel the strength and the potency behind the silkiness.
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 25
Signature Cabernet Franc bio/vegan 2018
It starts with a moderate-intensity ruby colour. High-pitched resonances of the fruity layers appear in its smell. The aromas’ foreshadowed-picture is in full harmony with wine’s on the palate The elegant and dash relation of the wine suggests food paring.
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 15,50
Kúria Cabernet Franc vegan 2008
„Very good colour, full black red, lots of flesh and really good purity of Cabernet Franc fruit, really great wine.”
Steven Spurrier
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 51,50
Noblesse Cabernet Sauvignon bio/vegan 2015
The year of 2015 brought an extraordinary vintage-year to Malatinszky Kuria Organic Wine Estate. The result of the endless sunshine and the work of the thoughtful winegrower is this Noblesse Cabernet Sauvignon. It was made from free run juice and aged in oaky barrel for 12 months. The wine represents all the beauty that we can expect from the varietal.
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 25
Signature Cabernet Sauvignon bio/vegan 2018
The bright, youthful and shiny color is in harmony with the scent of a bowl of bursting red fruits that the wine offers at the start.
It’s momentum on the palate compels admiration, its creamy texture makes it more alluring. The wine’s long lasting flavor calls attention to its assertiveness and carries its values with consciousness
Retail price: € 14
Signature Chardonnay bio/vegan 2022
Chardonnay as a grape variety seems like a blank canvas stretched onto a frame by a painter to fill it up with colours from his own soul. Mr. Malatinszky, who is a connoisseur of the variety, transfers exciting colours onto his canvas, portraying and visualizing fragrances like peach, pear and pineapple. Starting with intense fruits, followed by richness of savour, it to becomes a complete tasting experience.
No doubt whether you have it alone or match it with food, Malatinszky’s Chardonnay is enthusiastic and enjoyable! Nice expression of the variety.
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 12,50
Kúria Maghari (Methode Malatinszky) bio/vegan 2015/2016/2017
Csaba Malatinszky, the creator received a French Innovation Award for his creation.. The MÉTHODE MALATINSZKY is a vinification procedure with fermentation taking place in sealed oak barrels, which creates a quality tannin combination of the grapes and the oak – which is not possible to achieve by other methods. Although requiring a great effort, this creates a truly unique expression about which it can be said with confidence that the oenologist’s labour deserves a worthy reward. Its maturity is expected to be well over twenty years. 1341 bottles were made from our first vintage of 2015
2015: € 205
2016: € 123
2017: € 105
Noblesse Merlot bio/vegan 2013
The wine’s luminous purplish start foreshadows that it was made not only for a stroll, but for a long journey. Without wavering, its texture and intensity endures in its elegance. Its flavour is full of fruits, which is complimented by minerals and earthy tones. The wine is textured and composed by a unique composition of the variety of grape.
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 25
Signature Novum Conceptio 2020
Borozgató társaságban egyre gyakrabban kínáltak meg natúrborral, ami zavarosságával egy félig elkészült bor benyomását keltette bennem. Rusztikusak voltak, ami nem áll hozzám igazán közel. Mivel mindig egészséges voltát emelték ki, mondván: ez aztán igazán nem tartalmaz semmilyen hozzáadott anyagot, még ként sem. Egy idő után, látván a töretlen lelkesedést másokon, arra gondoltam készíthetnék egy ,,demo” natúrbort saját elképzelésem szerint.
A tavalyi szüretben hozzáláttam a megvalósításhoz, majd néhány hónapos érlelést követően palackoztam az összeállítást, amely cab.sauvignon – cab.franc és merlot.
Végtére olyan bor született, ami stílusában benne van a Malatinszky képben, dinamikája pedig magával ragadó. Na, gondoltam, akik eddig a fiatal évjáratokat keresték rajtam, megkapják amit akartak.
Számomra is meglepő módon, néhány hónappal a színrelépést követően, az első export szállítmány a napokban indul útnak New Yorkba, hogy az ottani éttermek vendégei is megismerhessék a NOVUM CONCEPTIO -t.
Price: 15 €
Signature Rajnai Rizling Bio/vegan 2019
Signature Riesling introduces its terroir with no loosing its personality.Intense smell with green apple, grapefruit, peach, honey,rose ,fresh cut grasses and the mineral of its terroir in Siklos, South Hungary. It can be paired with fish, pork or even spicy meals because it boasts rich aromas of fruits and high acidic content.
Vegan wine
Retail price: 2019: € 12,50
Egyéb Sauvignon Blanc bio/ vegan 2016/2018
Sauvignon Blanc szalmasárga színű, erjesztés előtt, héjon áztatással indított bor. Aromái némi idő elteltével szállnak fel a pohárból, a levegőztetést meghálálja. Kerek fellépés után jelennek meg a szájban szőlő ízei, kiegészülve a jellemző talajhatásokkal. Tartós utóíze sósságban végződik. Stílusában nem tesz engedményt a giccs felé, a fajta öntudatos megjelenése. A connoisseur bora. Vegán
Bruttó kiskereskedelmi ár:
2016: 5000Ft
2018: 3800Ft
Signature Sauvignon Blanc bio/vegan 2016/2018
The skin of the grapes was soaked before fermentation, the wine boasts a yellow straw colour. It requires a bit of a time for its aromas to ascend out of the glass. The wine expresses its gratitude for having been aired. The flavours of the grape appear on the palate along with the characteristics of the composition of the regional soil. Its long aftertaste ends with some saltiness. The wine makes no concession to gaudiness; therefore it is a very assertive representation of the variety; thus is the wine of connoisseurs.
Vegan wine
Retail price: 2016: € 16,50
2018: € 12,50
Noblesse Serena bio/vegan 2021
– Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling –
This wine augments our expectations by its fruity fragrance, which is fulfilled later by taste as well. It is vibrant, exciting in mouth and indulges restlessly.
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 15
Noblesse Battonage Chardonnay 2019/2020 bio/vegan
“Overall, I was most impressed with the Chardonnay. Coming from the cooler climate of neighbouring Siklos, it displayed wonderful minerality, clean, elegant fruit, judicious use of oak and a fresh acidity.”
Robert Giorgione, Independent Wine Specialist
Vegan wine
Retail price: €25
Noblesse Battonage Rozé bio/vegan 2018/2020
The grape was harvested at the optimal ripeness. Free run juice was fermented and matured in new oak barrels. Fermentation on fine lees resulted that the fruit’s whole fragrance and aroma range evolved. It’s richness represents the terroir, it’s fine details widen the borders of the genre.
Vegan wine
Retail price: € 25
Noblesse Serena Rubra bio/vegan 2012
This wine has a very deep delighftul colour and the aroma of minerals and also cassis. Structure is compact, energizing. It is at ithe beginning of it’s really long potential. Decantation recommended.
Vegan wine
Retail price:2012: € 25